
UB expands environmental monitoring

  • By chagy5
  •   -  
  • 2024-08-21
  • 425
  • 0
UB expands environmental monitoring

The Environmental Department of the Municipality of Ulaanbaatar City announced that it has increased the number of permanent environmental monitoring stations by 500 across the capital city’s nine districts. This expansion is part of a broader initiative aimed at reducing environmental pollution and combating soil degradation. By enhancing the network of monitoring stations, authorities will be able to continuously track the levels and distribution of heavy metals and bacterial contaminants. The data gathered will be crucial for monitoring pollution sources, implementing pollution reduction and neutralization strategies, and taking preventive measures.

The information collected from these monitoring stations will be made publicly available through the shared database of the Land Administration and Management, Geodesy, and Cartography. Moreover, the Environmental Department has begun collaborating with district and local authorities on a significant project to rehabilitate and neutralize soil degradation and contamination across 15 hectares of land within the city. This concerted effort underscores the commitment to restoring the environment and ensuring a healthier urban ecosystem for Ulaanbaatar’s residents.