
Liver transplant surgeries continue to be successful

  • By chagy5
  •   -  
  • 2024-08-30
  • 306
  • 1
Liver transplant surgeries continue to be successful

The Liver Transplant Team of the First Central Hospital of Mongolia has successfully performed its 275th liver transplant surgery. Among the patients treated over the years, 267 have been adults, while the remaining eight were children. According to B.Bat-Ireedui, Head of the Organ Transplantation Center at the hospital, 75 percent of those who underwent liver transplants had no problem afterwards. 

Mongolia’s capabilities in organ transplantation and the quality of life indicators for patients are highly regarded globally. In particular, the survival rates of liver transplant recipients in Mongolia stand at 93.9 percent for one year, 84.8 percent for three years, and 88.2 percent for five years. These statistics are comparable to the outcomes in highly developed countries, as highlighted by B.Bat-Ireedui.

Moreover, it is noteworthy that of the total transplants performed, 260 involved living donors, while 15 were from cadaveric donors or donors who had suffered brain death. In addition, there have been five successful liver transplant surgeries performed from donors with incompatible blood types, showcasing the advanced medical capabilities of the team.



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