
AI-powered X-Ray devices provided in healthcare centers

  • By chagy5
  •   -  
  • 2024-09-04
  • 348
  • 1
AI-powered X-Ray devices provided in healthcare centers

Five primary healthcare centers in Mongolia received high-resolution portable X-ray devices powered by artificial intelligence. This initiative is part of the project titled “Strengthening the National System for the Prevention, Treatment, and Support of HIV and Tuberculosis in Mongolia,” which aims to provide primary healthcare institutions with AI-based high-resolution portable X-ray machines in phases. In the first phase, above-mentioned five healthcare centers were equipped with these advanced devices, each costing 197.7 million MNT.

Health officials highlighted that the use of these machines will enable the early detection of tuberculosis, helping to reduce the spread of the disease, improve the quality of healthcare services, and lower associated costs. In addition, this marks the beginning of state hospitals integrating artificial intelligence into their healthcare services, setting a precedent for broader adoption of AI-driven medical technologies in the country’s health sector. This technological advancement is expected to play a crucial role in enhancing early diagnosis, patient care, and overall healthcare efficiency in Mongolia.



    Princess (
    2024 оны 09 сарын 04 | Хариулах